Our Health Guarantee

Puppy Health Warranty

Double U Doodles LLC warranties that the puppy is healthy at the time of the sale. Prior

to purchase, the puppy was examined by a licensed veterinarian and was given the first

in the series of DHPP vaccines. Copies of the exam and shot record were given to the

buyer as part of the sale. However, to validate the health warranty, buyer must take

their new puppy to their veterinarian within 72 hours of going home. In the event a vet

finds the puppy to be in unacceptable health condition, the buyer must notify Double U

Doodles, LLC within 3 days of receiving the puppy. The vet must make a statement on

letterhead that the puppy is unhealthy and not suitable for purchase, and Double U

Doodles will retake ownership of the defective/unhealthy puppy and refund the buyer

the purchase price of the puppy, excluding the costs of transportation and any vet bills

incurred by the buyer. If buyer chooses not to return the puppy, no refund will be given

by Double U Doodles. We do not reimburse any vet bills at any time as that comes with

pet ownership.

This health warranty is contingent upon feeding high quality food and

vaccinating/deworming according to the proper protocol established by a licensed vet

(not purchased online or at a Farm store).

Double U Doodles LLC provides a lifetime warranty for the following genetic

conditions: Degenerative Myleopathy, Neonatal Encelopathy with Seizures, Progressive

Retinal Atrophy type 1 and 2, Progressive Rod/Cone degeneration, GM2

Gangliocidosis, Osteochondrodysplasia, and Von Willebrand disease.

Double U Doodles, LLC provides a 2-year warranty explicitly for the following

conditions: cancer and hip displaysia If the puppy is diagnosed by the Orthopedic

Foundation for Animals as being hip dysplastic before age 2 years old, the buyer must

submit a copy of the OFA report to Double U Doodles, LLC. Warranties shall apply only

to the original purchaser. If the puppy should contract any of the above genetic

conditions within two years, the vet must make a statement on letterhead that the puppy

has a genetic condition and Double U Doodles, LLC will retake ownership of the

defective/unhealthy puppy (if the buyers desire) and replace it with a puppy from the

next available litter. Double U Doodles, LLC will not refund the buyer the cost of

transportation or any vet bills and Double U Doodles, LLC does not buy back dogs or

puppies. Double U Doodles, LLC does not refund the purchase price of a puppy.

ALL puppies are born with parasites, and the stress of going to a new home can

reactive dormant parasites/worms/protozoa/coccidiosis/giardia. Our puppies receive

deworming medicine at ages 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks of age, to prevent pin worms, round

worms, hook worms. Strick protocols are in place to prevent giardia and coccidia.

However, puppies can still have parasites that resisted treatment. Your vet should

provide a routine deworming and/or fecal test and treat according to findings. Double U

Doodles, LLC does NOT make any real or implied warranty against common puppy

parasites, as listed above. No matter how clean and well-kept, because they have

immature immune systems, puppies also commonly contract ear infections, vaginitis,

urinary tract infections, impetigo and other bacterial/viral infections. Double U Doodles
will not reimburse buyer for any vet bills. Providing your puppy medical care is a large
part of pet ownership. Buyer agrees to immediately active the 30 Days free Trupanion
Pet Insurance provided by Double U Doodles, LLC. Double U Doodles, LLC strongly
encourages buyers to maintain pet insurance on their dog to help with the financial
responsibility that comes with dog ownership.
Until puppies receive 4 doses of their puppy vaccine, they can contract Parvovirus or
distemper (which are deadly) in public places and should not be taken to dog parks etc.
until the entire series has been administered. Playing with dogs that you KNOW are
vaccinated is absolutely okay and great for socialization.
Buyer understands that the purchase price is nonrefundable. No dog is 100 percent
hypoallergenic and Double U Doodles, LLC does not imply that all allergy sufferers can
tolerate a goldendoodle. Double U Doodles, LLC does not warranty that a puppy will
grow to a specific size as many factors determine adult size, including food and
exercise. Under no circumstances shall the Seller be liable to the Buyer or to any third
party for a dog that has been subjected to abuse, accident, negligence or misuse. Also,
under no circumstances shall the Seller be liable for any consequential incidental or
special damages resulting from or in any manner related to the dog.
If a Double U Doodles puppy ever needs to be rehomed, for any reason, buyer agrees
to return the dog to Double U Doodles, LLC to assess and rehome with NO REFUND
due to the customer.
All puppies require training; therefore, buyer agrees to teach the puppy house manners
and attend basic dog obedience classes. Buyer acknowledges that it is their
responsibility to become proficient at handling and training their dog. Buyer
acknowledges that dog handling is a skill that requires practice and experience to
perfect and may require hiring a trainer to teach the handler how to become proficient at
training and handling your dog. Buyer understands that Double U Doodles, LLC will
provide online training resources to assist, but is not responsible for any costs incurred
for the owner to become proficient at handling their dog.
Buyer and Breeder agree, that in the event of a dispute between them, neither will
publish or communicate the existence or content of such dispute in any media or forum,
including social media, provided that this provision shall not be interpreted so as to
prevent either party from bringing legal action or engaging in confidential mediation as
herein provided. If litigation is pursued it occur in Pickens County, SC.